How Easy is It to Get Bfa Flying

  1. #1

    Nikeyla is offline

    High Overlord

    How long does it take to get reps for flying in BFA?

    Like the title says, how long does it take? I resubbed after very long time and I noticed a rep bonus that ends now anyway. How long realistically I would need to get the required reputations? It seems to be pretty cancer content, so Im not sure if its even worth the effort.

  2. #2

    mauserr is offline

    Pit Lord mauserr's Avatar

    3 weeks more or less, if you use contracts and do every WQ available for the respective factions. Make sure to do regular zone quests until they no longer give you rep. Levelling via anything else other than questing is slowing you back in terms of both exp and reputation. If you want flying asap, you will do quests.

    If you're EU, try do do as many quests and world quests as possible today, since you're double dipping rep bonuses - 100% more rep gained till tomorrow (not sure when it ends exactly on 21st) and 50% more rep gained from WQ's. A single standard faction WQ gives 188 rep without the contract (either an additional +10 flat rep I think, or +10%, don't remember which).

  3. #3

    Depends on you attitude and how long ago you unsubbed, I completed part 2 in about 8 days after taking a 2 month break.

  4. #4

    Mx343 is offline


    Well if you would have come back 1 or 2 weeks ago it would have been better because of the 100% rep buff.
    For me it took I think 2-3 weeks until I completed the rep for Nazjatar and Mecha...but I also switched the chars in between. :/
    The 100% rep buff will exist until morning 21th may PDT, so if we assume it will end with the rest at 8am or 9m the buff should be available until 21th may 19 pm/ 20pm in EU (CEST time).

    Doing in Nazjatar the Mage Laboratory quest awards today/tomorrow 1k rep instead of 500.
    In mecha the WQ will also award until next week more rep due to the bonus event this week (50% more rep for WQ's).

  5. #5

    Nikeyla is offline

    High Overlord

    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post

    If you are 120 and have done stuff in the world - you should be pretty close to having pathfinder 1. If not, the 100 WQs might hold you up. The rep buff will soon go away, but currently you have those 100% plus 50% weekly emissary buff, the hell out of the days now.

    Doing all activities in Mech and Naz, I got pathfinder part 2 in 10 again...use the time now (some ppl here claimed they got it much idea what they did)

    All in all...depends where you are right now and how much you can play....

    Well I played like a month or so at the bfa start. I quit because it got boring too fast, but I have PF 1. I think that the only thing Im missing are the reps 2 new reps, but I did some questing in Nazjatar and it was soo boring. Im scared to even touch the mechagnome area after seeing nazjatar map layout. I hoped the rep buff will remain, but rip catch up I guess. - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by shadowmatrix View Post

    Depends on you attitude and how long ago you unsubbed, I completed part 2 in about 8 days after taking a 2 month break.

    I only played start of BFA, so all this content is completely new for me. Too bad I pretty much missed the reputation bonus...You did it in 8 days with the rep bonus? 8 days seems rly fast compared to what others said.

  6. #6

    Quote Originally Posted by Nikeyla View Post

    Well I played like a month or so at the bfa start. I quit because it got boring too fast, but I have PF 1. I think that the only thing Im missing are the reps 2 new reps, but I did some questing in Nazjatar and it was soo boring. Im scared to even touch the mechagnome area after seeing nazjatar map layout. I hoped the rep buff will remain, but rip catch up I guess.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I only played start of BFA, so all this content is completely new for me. Too bad I pretty much missed the reputation bonus...You did it in 8 days with the rep bonus? 8 days seems rly fast compared to what others said.

    Before the rep bonus with no raiding, dungeons, or pet battles. I play casually but quite a bit more then the average person.

  7. #7

    Nikeyla is offline

    High Overlord

    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post

    Mechagon area is nothing compared to Naz. It is quite easy to navigate. Killing rares helps with rep...maybe a bit harder now if fewer ppl are in the area. But will somehow have to slog your way to revered. Mechagon gives like at least 1000 rep per day from the big daily that you get automatically in the zone, plus whatever NPCs offer.But you need also to do an intro quest first (pretty quick though).

    In EU, Naz is currently up as that is another quick 1500 rep at least.

    Alright, thanks for the info. I will give it a try today!

  8. #8

    uopayroll is offline

    Bloodsail Admiral

    If you really want to min/max rep gain, do not forget the ten rare fish in mechagon, you can repeat those daily as well.

  9. #9

    Nikeyla is offline

    High Overlord

    Quote Originally Posted by uopayroll View Post

    If you really want to min/max rep gain, do not forget the ten rare fish in mechagon, you can repeat those daily as well.

    First time reading about this. I never used fishing since cataclysm. Can I do it without the fishing skill maxed or nah?

  10. #10

    chiddie is offline

    Pit Lord

    It really depends on how much time you have to play per day and at which point your reps are (for example I got all the initial BfA reps to exalted in 3 months at BfA launch by simply doing all the game quests plus emissaries so even I quitted from Jan 2019 till now I would only have Naz and Mech reps left).

    The real question should be "is it worth it?" We still don't know if BfA PF will be given for free (vendor +golds) in SL and in 5 months this exp will become obsolete, so if it's worth it anyways is up to you. Without the 100% bonus rep it won't be fast at all imho, especially in Mechagon.


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